
Test automation runtimes are a critical component of the modern DevOps architecture. The emergence of testing infrastructure cloud providers means engineering teams have a wealth of options to choose from to run test automation suites across the appropriate matrix of browser, OS, and real device combinations. While the third party runtime options are plentiful, single sourcing from one provider is often not possible because enterprise requirements extend beyond any one provider’s offering. Even if one provider can meet all the geo location, security, and platform coverage requirements, product teams want the flexibility of multiple providers to avoid future vendor lock-in costs. But if multisourcing test automation runtimes is the goal (driven by cost and coverage) how do teams ensure a hybrid provider approach doesn’t have negative consequences on release speed?

This expert-led conversation will arm attendees with technical insights into successfully implementing a multi-sourced runtime environment. One that allows teams to have their cake (flexibility) and eat it too (without negatively impacting speed).

Session topics will include:
  • Integration architecture to support multiple runtime
  • Unified workflows for issue validation, triage, and escalation
  • Consolidated test coverage and product quality reporting



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Check out the resources below for more best practices.
Payments Testing Guide: Ensure Flawless Checkouts
Leading Social Media and Entertainment Giant Case Study
Proven Testing Strategies for Modern Payment Systems

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